The FOD8001 is a 3.3V/5V high-speed logic gate optocoupler that supports isolated communication, enabling digital signals to be communicated between systems without conducting ground loops or hazardous voltages. It utilizes ON Semiconductor's proprietary coplanar encapsulation technology Optoplanar and optimized IC design to achieve high noise immunity with high common-mode rejection and power supply rejection specification characteristics. This high-speed logic gate optocoupler encapsulation contains a high-speed AlGaAs LED driven by a CMOS buffer IC coupled with a CMOS sense IC in a small 8-pin encapsulation. The detection IC contains an integrated photodiode, a high-speed transimpedance amplifier, and a voltage comparator with output driver. This CMOS technology coupled with high efficiency LEDs enables low power consumption combined with very high speed (40ns propagation delay, 6ns pulse width distortion).
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